Witney Benefice Groups & Activities
We have more than 20 groups providing opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. Book circles, monthly social events, choirs and bell ringing, prayer group, retreats, and more as we strive to be an active church at work in the world. Here is a list of our current Benefice Groups. For more details please email the contact given or email the office.
Group | Description | Contact | Location | Date & Time |
Social Events Committee | Fun fundraising events for St Mary’s | Eileen Gartside & Jenny Greer | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
Monthly. See Social Events (witneyparish.org.uk) |
Anna Chaplaincy Team | A group of trained volunteers offer spiritual care for those in later life. | Julia Bee | Homes and Care Homes across the parish | By appointment |
Benefice Retreat | An opportunity for quiet reflection, guided sessions, and worship | The Office | St Mary’ Convent Wantage | Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd April 2025 |
Benefice Environment Group | Oversees Wild Churchyards, Eco Church awards, Riverside Blessing service etc. | Angela and Duncan Forbes, Kate Banks | St Mary’s Winchester Room | Quarterly meetings |
Book Circle | Join a discussion about a different book each month, fiction, and non-fiction. | Bridget Walton | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
3rd Tuesday of the month in Winchester Room at 2:30pm |
Church Cleaning Group | Have fun ensuring our sacred space remains welcoming and respectful for all worshippers. Cakes, coffee and chat after cleaning |
Andy Brown and Ashley Arnold
St Mary’s Church | First Saturday morning of each month |
Nurture Group | An opportunity to study the Bible, ask questions and discuss issues. | Jacky Bone & Liz Johnson |
St Mary’s Winchester Room |
Every Monday during term time. 2:00pm to 3:30pm |
Mothers’ Union | Members meet for prayer, fellowship, and tea | Rosemary Peirce & Lorna Whitehouse | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
2nd Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm |
Open Doors Prayer Group | A chance to hear stories about the persecuted church around the world and to pray for them | Rebecca Coatsworth | St Mary’s Chapel of the Annunciation | Next: Wed 24th January 2024. St Mary’s |
Prayer Shawl Ministry | A group prayerfully knitting or crocheting items for those in need of comfort | Lorna Whitehouse | Members’ homes | 1st Tuesday of the month. 2:00pm to 3:45pm |
Talking Theology | An opportunity to discuss Christian beliefs and doctrines in depth | Richard Young | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
1st Thursday of the month in Winchester Room 7:30pm |
Witney Eco Forum | Monthly talks by experts on different areas of climate change | Kate Banks | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
2nd Thu of each month. Bar 7:00pm Talk 7:30pm. |
Witney Festival of Food & Drink Committee | We organise the Witney Festival of Food & Drink: hospitality in action | Richard Young | St Mary’s Winchester Room |
1st Wednesday of the month. 7:30pm for 45 minutes |
St Mary’s Children & Youth |
Christian Union ‘Together’ | Young Christians and non-Christians from local schools meet every week for time of fellowship, discipleship and grow/explore faith | Laverne Williams | Witney (Henry Box School) | Every Monday from 1:30 p.m. |
Collective Worship | Bible lessons, values etc, worship in churched and unchurched schools |
and CW Team |
All Schools | Mon – Weds (Various times) |
Hot Chocolate | A chance to meet and talk to with young people building relationships – all by serving hot chocolate | Laverne Williams | St Mary’s / The Green (opposite Henry Box) | Every Wednesday 1-2 p.m. |
Junior Church | Tots and Children Sunday school. A time of creativity, prayer, worship and looking at stories and teachings in the Bible | Laverne Williams |
St Mary’s Winchester |
Every Sunday 10:45 to 12 p.m. |
‘Know Your Worth’ Young Girls Group | Girls’ discipleship and building worth group | Laverne Williams |
St Mary’s Winchester Room |
Weekly (Tuesday & Wednesdays) |
St Mary’s Church Groups |
Ah Men | A monthly informal social meeting for men to share ideas, news and views | David Taft | Coffee: Blanket Hall, Witney OX28 6HL Evening meal: various venues | Coffee: 1st Wednesday or Thursday of each month Evening meal: during the 3rd week of the month |
Doyennes | A monthly informal social meeting for ladies to share ideas, news and views | Linda Taft | Coffee: Blanket Hall, Witney |Evening meal: various venues | Coffee: 1st Wednesday or Thursday of each month Evening meal: during the 3rd week of the month |
St Mary’s Choir | Our friendly four-part choir rehearses before, and sings at, Sunday and special services | Francis Rumsey | St Mary’s Church | 9:45am Sunday rehearsal before the 10:45 service |
Supporting Sunday Services | Help make coffee, read a lesson, welcome worshipers, collection counting and much more… |
Linda Taft
St Mary’s Church | Every Sunday service |
Witney Bell Ringers | A group that rings St Mary’s eight bells for services and special occasions | Andrew Goldthorpe | St Mary’s Church | Practice Tue 7:30pm -9:00pm Ring bells before Sunday Services from 09:45 to 10:45 |
Holy Trinity Church Groups |
Holy Trinity Choir | A friendly four-part choir which sings at Sunday services and other occasions | paul@witneyparish.org.uk | Holy Trinity Woodgreen | Choir practice every Wed 7.30pm then 3 Pigeons Pub Sunday Eucharist 10.45am |
Hailey Church Groups |
Hailey Village Lunch | A cheerful get together for all ages. All are welcome. | Elpie Lewis | Hailey Village Hall OX29 9UA | 3rd Wednesday in the month at 12 noon. Cost: £7 |
Tiddlers | Preschool children and their carers enjoy toys, stories, songs and chat. | Elpie Lewis | St John the Evangelist Church, Hailey OX29 9UB | Weekly on Mondays, term time only |
Churchyard Working Group |
Managing St John’s churchyard for people and wildlife.
Clare Musson | St John the Evangelist Church, Hailey OX29 9UB | Approx every 6 weeks in winter and ad hoc in summer. Sat mornings 10 am – 12 noon |
Windrush Church Groups |
Windrush Tots and Carers | tba | Jacky Bone | Windrush School OX297DL | tba 9.15 am – 11.00 am |
Last updated 14/11/2024