Remembrance Sunday Services

  • 09:45 St Mary’s Church (short eucharist service, no sermon,  YouTube Stream, Order of Service)
  • 10:40 Procession from St Mary’s to the War Memorial by the Buttercross
  • 10:55 Witney Town Remembrance  Service including wreath laying
  • 11:25 Procession from the War Memorial to St. Mary’s
  • 11:30 St. Mary’s Church Remembrance Civic Service (not streamed)
  • 09:00 St. John’s Hailey, commencing at Hailey War Memorial
  • 09:15 St. John’s Curbridge
  • 10:30 St. Kenelm’s’ Minster Lovell, at the War Memorial (beside White Hart Inn)
  • 10:45 Holy Trinity Church, with Act of Remembrance at 11:00

Daily Office

One of the gifts of the Daily Office is that it unites the Church in time (tradition) and space (the contemporary worldwide Church) and reminds us that our prayer is part of something much bigger than ourselves.

The same prayer is offered by countless Anglicans – and others – across the world as we pray the same psalms together – though apart – and are fed by the same passages of scripture.

The Daily Office is one of our four pillars as we aim to grow deeper in God.

Daily Office at St Mary’s

Daily Office takes place at St Mary’s:

  • Morning Prayer: 09:00 every day except Saturday and Sunday
  • Evening Prayer: 17:30 every day except Saturday

Daily Prayer App

Daily Prayer is the official app to help you follow Morning, Evening and Night Prayer, wherever you are. It is available as an app (with integrated audio) or as a podcast.