What is Messy Church?
It is a form of church for children and adults that includes creativity, celebration and hospitality. It is primarily for people who don’t already belong to a church, but everyone is welcome! It typically involves some food - we do a light breakfast of pastries and drinks, a creative time exploring the theme, story, prayer and song. It is especially engaging for children and youth
FREE. No need to book. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Messy Church happens on the first Sunday of every month at Windrush CoE Primary School. It is a form of church for children and adults that includes creativity, celebration and hospitality. It is primarily for people who don’t already belong to a church, but everyone is welcome!
It typically involves some food - we do a light breakfast of pastries and drinks, a creative time exploring the theme, story, prayer and song. It is especially engaging for children and youth.
Do join us at Windrush School , Windrush Place, Isabelle Spencer Way OX297DL from10.15am for crafts and breakfast followed by worship at 10.45am
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