We are one of six Church of England churches in the Benefice of Witney. St Mary’s stands at the end of Church Green and is the main Anglican and civic church for the town.
We aspire to be an inclusive, welcoming community of mercy and kindness. We extend a warm invitation to everyone to come and join us irrespective of race, sexuality, background or age.
Do email office@witneyparish.org.uk if you have any questions about who we are or what we do.
About Us
This ancient house of prayer has been a place of hospitality for over 750 years. Our magnificent medieval building is the civic church for Witney.
We pride ourselves on being a warm welcoming and friendly community embracing a hospitable Christianity.
The heart of our life is our worship. We treasure the Eucharist and Daily Office.
We are an inclusive church and celebrate and affirm every person. We do not discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
Environmental matters are important to us and we have achieved the Rocha silver award and are working towards the gold award.
Sunday Services
Our main Sunday service is a sung Eucharist at 10:45, followed by coffee and conversation.
Typically the Sunday service lasts 1 hour 15 minutes.
Children can attend their own Junior Church session.
Our enthusiastic choir and talented organist help lead the worship for all Sunday Services.
Mid Week Services
A spoken Eucharist on Wednesdays at 11:00, followed by tea and coffee.
We place great importance on saying the Daily Office together:
- Morning Prayer: 09:00 every day except Saturday and Sunday
- Evening Prayer: 17:30 every day except Saturday
Morning and Evening Prayer can be followed online or via an Android or IoS app
- There is time-limited limited parking outside St Mary’s and by Henry Box School. Or please park on The Leys.
Find Us
St Mary the Virgin Church Green Witney Oxfordshire OX28 4AW